Myndstef – Myndhöfundasjóður Íslands (e. The Icelandic Visual Art Copyright Association) was founded in 1991. The founders of Myndstef were the Association of Icelandic Visual Artists, the Association of Icelandic Illustrators and Graphic Designers, and the Association of Professional Photographers in Iceland.
Myndstef is a non-profit organisation.
Myndstef’s mission is to take care of its members’ interests as regards copyright in cases of official republishing and exhibiting of their works and to strengthen respect for copyright in the visual arts in general. On 7th of September 1992, Myndstef was officially recognized by the Icelandic Ministry of Culture and Education as an association taking care of the interests of visual artists.
On behalf of its members, Myndstef collects fees for the use of copyrighted works. Myndstef monitors and seeks to influence the development of legislation and regulations as well as of business practices in the field of copyright. It also takes care of negotiations involving copyright interests between its members on one hand and public and private parties on the other.
Myndstef is controlled by a board and all major decisions regarding Myndstef’s operation is decided by the board.
Myndstef’s articles of association can be viewed here.
Myndstef has an office that is open between 10 and 14, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The office is situated at Skólavörðustígur 12, 101 Reykjavík (3rd floor).
Telephone: +354-562-7711
Two employees work at Myndstef’s office:
Vera Sveinbjörnsdóttir, managing director
Harpa Fönn Sigurjónsdóttir, lawyer